Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to
whom fear, honor to whom honor..
—Romans 13:7
Question 141 of the Larger Catechism asks, “What are the duties required in the Eighth
Commandment?” The first part of the answer states, “The duties required in the Eighth
Commandment are, truth, faithfulness, and justice in contracts and commerce between
man and man, rendering to everyone his due; restitution of goods unlawfully detained
from the right owners thereof; giving and lending freely, according to our abilities, and the
necessities of others; moderation of our judgments, wills and affections concerning worldly
In The Sermon on the Mount Jesus clearly taught that our duty in keeping the
Commandments includes not simply avoiding the evil behavior forbidden, but we must
also do the good that is by implication therein enjoined. And of course, all of our avoiding
and doing must be sincere, which is to say, from the heart. With regard to stealing then, it
is not enough to simply avoid taking what does not belong to us, but we must seek to
honestly and faithfully fulfill any and all responsibility we have to manage and care for our
own and others’ goods. Thus, the Catechism begins by commanding truth, faithfulness,
and justice in human contracts and commerce. In order to truly not steal from others, I
must communicate my true abilities and intentions in an employment arrangement.
Resumes should not lie or exaggerate about our education or experience. And if I am
scheduled to work eight hours, I must be faithful to do so, showing up on time and leaving
on time. Likewise, if I am selling an item, I cannot lie, exaggerate, or “forget” pertinent
information about it. And when I am bargaining for that item, I should not exaggerate its
flaws in order to get a better price. Truth, faithfulness, and justice should mark all of our
dealings with others. Such conduct honors and glorifies God.
So also, does rendering to everyone their due. Here, the Catechism is referencing the
Scripture quoted at the head of this article. Though it is good and right for me to take
advantage of every legal tax break, I must be faithful to pay all that I legally owe. I have a
friend who used to work on Andros Island in the Bahamas. Whenever he purchased
anything from another nation, there was a customs charge. After satisfying it, the item
would be stamped “Duty Paid.” The laws of the land had placed a “duty” on the item.
Biblically speaking that is not an improper word, for it is our duty to pay whatever the
lawful governing power has determined is to be paid for commerce. We owe them that
duty, because God is the ultimate authority ordaining and establishing all human
authority. So also, if and when we find any goods that belong to another (whether our
neighbor or Uncle Sam), we are to restore them to them when we can.
Notice how the Catechism also enjoins generosity as a Christian duty. We are to give and
lend freely, according to our abilities and according to the needs of others. Here the
Catechism seems to be referencing Rom. 13:8: “Owe no one anything except to love one
another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law.” Love is a requirement God places
upon us to all human beings, whether they are our spouses, neighbors, or enemies. We
owe them love. If I truly love someone I will give freely to them; when I am able to do so
without neglecting prior responsibilities, and when giving will truly help the person.
Biblically, a need is not a want, nor can it be a means or occasion of sin. Thus, we are to
balance James’ command to help those in need of food or clothing (Jam. 2:15), with Paul’s
admonition that a man who will not work should not be given food (2 Th. 3:10). Generosity
cannot encourage sin, for if it does then it is not an act of love but of hate. If I truly love
someone I will be generous for their true good, not in order to make myself feel good.
Moreover, generosity flows from a heart that is not overly concerned with material
possessions. Accordingly, we must be careful to heed the final part of today’s instruction
commanding moderation in our judgments, wills, and affections concerning worldly
goods. Life is more than possessions. Life is to be about glorifying God by keeping His
commandments from the heart. May God grant that we would see such a life as truly the
best and most enjoyable way to live.