Providence leadership

Dr. Ray E. Heiple, Jr.
Senior Pastor
Ray was born in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, and baptized as an infant at Sons of Zebedee Lutheran Church in Saltsburg, PA. However, it wasn’t until 1989 that Ray was converted to Christ, a turning point catalyzed by a tragic car accident. He graduated from Pennsylvania State University in 1991 with a BA in Broadcast-Cable and spent the next decade in television,
working at Cornerstone Television Network and Fox 53 News. In 1995, Ray married Robin, who works as a producer at Cornerstone. Fueled by a desire to deepen his faith, Ray began studying at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (RPTS) on the advice of his pastor at New Life PCA in Harrison City, where he was also ordained as a ruling elder. In 2001, with financial support from the New Life congregation, he left Fox 53 to pursue full-time seminary studies, ultimately earning the Bruce C. Stewart Award for the highest cumulative GPA as a middler in 2002. The following year, Ray received his Masters of Divinity from RPTS and was called as an assistant pastor at Providence Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Robinson Township. In 2006, he was named associate pastor, and in 2010, following the retirement of senior pastor Bailey Cadman, he was called to serve as senior pastor. Ray continued his studies while pastoring, earning his Doctor of Ministry from RPTS in 2013.
Ray has published several journal articles and two books: Preaching with Biblical
Motivation (P&R Publishing) and A Pocket History of the PCA (CDM). He currently hosts
the Origins program on Cornerstone Network (seen Mondays at 2PM/9PM; Sundays at 5PM)
and occasionally guest-hosts on the Hard Questions program (seen Thursdays at 2PM/9PM;
Sundays at 4:30PM). Ray is a member of the President’s Council at RPTS. And also serves on the board of The East Liberty Women’s Care Center. Ray and Robin have four adult children: Calvin (and his wife, Rachel), Daniel, Jacob, and Sarah. Ray’s heart for the church is to see all of God’s children growing in their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, in their repentance from sin, and unbelievers being converted to Him, all by the power of the Holy Spirit, through the truth of the Scriptures, resulting in hearts and lives that are more and more obedient to His Word, loving God and loving their neighbors as themselves.

Rev. Rick Appleton
Associate Pastor
Born in Wisconsin, Rick was converted to Christ at age 21, having been raised in a non-believing home. He obtained his Bachelor of Science in Christian Ministry in 2011 from Crown College in St. Bonifacius, Minnesota and his Master of Divinity in 2018 at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Taylors, South Carolina. At 26 Rick began his ministry in radio and television before transitioning to focus his efforts on building up the local church. Rick served as a deacon, an elder, and a pastoral intern at Old Peachtree Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Duluth, Georgia. He and his wife, Kara-Mia, along with their two daughters, Grace and Joy, came to Providence in June of 2019.

Elders & deacons
Bob Alouise
Dave Auman, Jr.
Denny Baker
Dan DeFazio
Paul Deffenbaugh
Dave Douglas
Kevin Hilliker
Don Maurer
Denny Stewart
Jim Stuart
Gerry Timberlake, Emeritus
Dale Baker
Gerry Burford
Tommy Corsello
Scott Ferguson
Trey Jackson
Mike Lautar
Dan Martin
Pat Martin
Tim Martin
David Mine
Daniel Richard
Glenn Vander Wagen