But no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God
and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the Likeness of God.
–James 3:8-9
Today we complete our study Question 136 of the Larger Catechism, which asks, “What are the
sins forbidden in the Sixth Commandment?” The final part of the answer states, “The sins
forbidden in the SixthCommandment are… provoking words, oppression, quarrelling, striking,
wounding, and whatsoever else tends to the destruction of the life of any.” Last time we
examined our freedom to enjoy the good things of life, so long as we do so with moderation.
Today we consider our duty to avoid destructive words and actions.
As children we were taught to say, “Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never
hurt me.” I remember being given that limerick as a memorable way to deal with name-calling
bullies on the playground. The rhyme tries to offer comfort by reminding us that words cannot
directly cause any physical harm. I suppose that is always true unless the words are loud enough
to cause structural damage to our ears! However, as anyone who has ever been called names
knows, even what does not directly harm our bodies can hurt us in other, far more lasting ways.
When I was very young I was periodically teased for being a “redhead.” For the most part I did
not let it get to me but I still remember one time quite vividly. The sorrow and embarrassment
lasted a long time afterwards. This kind of pain that mocks who we are as if there is something
wrong with our being is very real, with often deep and long-term psychological effects. It’s funny,
I played outside all the time and I know I was hit by sticks and stones on multiple occasions, but
sitting here I cannot recall a single specific instance of it. Yet without even trying I can easily
remember several painful times where I was made fun of, called names, or in other ways
attacked with words. Oftentimes such occasions provoked in me animosity and a swift
counterattack with like hurtful words, or else simmering anger resulting in the quiet plotting of
future vengeance. Shamefully, I can recall being on the other side as well, when I was the one
doing the provoking. Surely everyone can testify to similar experiences. How many bitter
rivalries, feuds, fights, and even murders have been caused simply by words, which supposedly
can never hurt me? And we have not even considered the mental anguish, stress, and anxiety
caused by hurtful words, which do result in harm to our physical bodies. Thus, because of the
potential danger to our lives, the Catechism wisely warns us that such speech is a violation of the
command “Thou shalt not murder.”
Additionally, just as we should avoid injuring the lives of others through “harmless” words, so also,
we must not engage in any action that “tends to the destruction of the life of any.” The
Catechism specifically mentions quarreling, striking, or wounding. Being a boy in a small town I
was in my share of quarrels where we would hit and kick each other. I don’t remember anyone
getting seriously injured; and we were certainly not “trying” to kill each other; yet this is how
accidents happen. Usually, the fight would break out suddenly over a disagreement or argument
that continued to escalate, but sometimes there was a plotting or provoking of a fight. I
remember a couple of older kids who would occasionally come to our playground and constantly
try to get some of us younger kids to fight one another, merely for their amusement.
As Christians we cannot do such things! We cannot desire or do what could result in harm to
others. Again, I remember daring one another to keep jumping out of the tree from a higher
branch, or to keep walking further out onto a frozen body of water, and other dangerous stunts;
getting pleasure from the danger. Life is the precious gift of God. Even children should be
taught to protect life and not harm it. As adults we do not play these kids’ games, but we too can
injure one another’s lives through careless words and actions. May God grant us the grace to do
all we can to avoid anything that may be destructive to the life of another human being.